New Zealand Certificate in Business (Introduction to Team Leadership) (Level 3)


Closed to new enrolments

This qualification is for people who have the potential to be appointed to team leadership roles or who have recently become a team leader. Gain the skills and knowledge to contribute to effective team performance and the potential to be effective in a leadership role within a team.

    Student loan

    This programme can only be studied part-time.  It is not eligible for course-related costs, living costs or student allowances from StudyLink.

Update for new learners

NZ2453 New Zealand Certificate in Business (Introduction to Team Leadership) (Level 3) (Version 1) is closed to new learners.

A new Te Pūkenga programme (Version 2) of this qualification is now open for enrolment here

 For information on our other available business programmes go to:

Update for re-enrolling learners

Learners who were already enrolled in NZ2453 New Zealand Certificate in Business (Introduction to Team Leadership) (Level 3) (Version 1) prior to 28 June 2023 can continue to complete their qualification.

Please note, to be awarded Version 1 of this qualification you will need to be enrolled in your last course(s) by 27 June 2023 and complete all course requirements by 31 December 2023.  

Alternatively, learners can cross-credit courses completed from Version 1 into Te Pūkenga Version 2 of the programme.

The following table shows the completed courses you will be able to cross credit into the new Te Pūkenga programme (Version 2):

Open Polytechnic Course Version 1

Te Pūkenga Equivalent Course Version 2

NZCB301 Effective Team Performance

BSNS3401 Effective Team Performance

NZCB302 Business Communications

BSNS3402 Business Communications

NZCB303 Understanding Leadership

BSNS3403 Understanding Leadership


 If you have any questions, or need assistance with a study plan, please contact us.


What you will learn  

When you achieve this qualification you will be able to: 

  • Understand principles for effective team performance 
  • Develop objectives for a team. 
  • Understand different leadership styles for effective team performance. 
  • Communicate effectively with stakeholders.
  • Work cooperatively within a team, and contribute to the achievement of objectives. 
  • Respond positively to diversity within the team. 
  • Apply effective problem-solving and decision-making for business purposes. 
  • Demonstrate professional and ethical behaviour, in a socially and culturally appropriate manner. 
  • Manage self effectively to contribute to the performance of the entity. 
  • Comply with internal policies, and legislation and other external requirements for business entities. 

 Career opportunities  

Graduates of this qualification will have the skills and knowledge to contribute to effective team performance and the potential to be effective in a leadership role within a team. 


Study pathways 


Maximum Programme Completion Time 

The last date for assessment of courses in this programme is 31 December 2023. To be awarded this qualification you will need to be enrolled in your last course(s) by July 2023, and successfully complete all course that make up this programme by 31 December 2023. 

    Student loan

    This programme can only be studied part-time.  It is not eligible for course-related costs, living costs or student allowances from StudyLink.