Complaints and concerns

We aim to address all complaints and concerns in accordance with the principles of natural justice. We also work hard to make sure you feel safe and supported in raising a complaint or concern.

Complaints and Concerns

Our process is designed to make sure you are not academically disadvantaged as a result of making a complaint, while also protecting our staff from frivolous or malicious complaints.

 Our Ākonga Concerns and Complaints Policy aims to ensure that ākonga have access to a resolution process that is timely, fair, effective, culturally appropriate, and upholds the principles of natural justice. We differentiate between concerns and formal complaints, and focus on providing a resolution.

All ākonga who have a concern and complaint are responsible for following the procedures set out as stated on our website and as outlined in Te Kawa Maiorooro and the  Ākonga Concerns and Complaints Policy.

Read the the policy here


We define a concern as a matter where it is likely that a resolution can be obtained by direct, informal consultation with the people concerned. This includes a situation where the ākonga considers that appropriate standards were not met and the impact on them was not great.

Often concerns and disputes are a result of a misunderstanding, and these can often be quickly resolved.

Resolving concerns

If you have concerns that you believe may affect your studies or about our service to you, we encourage you to resolve your concern directly with the person involved or their line manager and within 21 days of the incident or issue.

Please contact us as soon as possible. We are committed to resolving concerns quickly, efficiently and at the appropriate level, to find a resolution as far as possible.

If you are unsure who to contact, our Customer Services team can advise:

Contact us

If you are dissatisfied with how your concern is dealt with, you can contact the Academic Registrar by email for help and advice, or to raise a formal complaint.  In the subject line, please include your Student Number and Concern or Complaint as appropriate. Your email should include a clear description of the concern with all the relevant details and any evidence.


Formal complaints

We define a formal complaint as an expression of dissatisfaction where the ākonga:

  • seeks some form of redress or change in a situation, or
  • considers that there has been a direct and significant adverse impact on them which requires a formal process of resolution.

A formal complaint should be submitted in writing within 21 days of the incident or issue or if the issue you have raised informally cannot be resolved.  

A formal complaint must made promptly and contain sufficient detail and all relevant evidence to enable investigation.   You can send a signed written statement or email outlining the complaint to the Academic Registrar:

In the subject line, please include your Student Number and Complaint. If you need any specific support or further information, please also state that clearly in your letter or email.

The Academic Registrar will acknowledge your complaint and may seek further information as needed. Valid complaints will be referred to the appropriate manager(s) and investigated. After investigation, you will be informed of any action that we will take, or any decision made, and any other relevant information. 

At any time during the process, the complainant and individuals involved are entitled to access support from internal or external services or to withdraw the complaint.

We may contact you during the process to let you know what can/has been done or to talk about any further action or information that may be needed.

If you do not agree with the decision, please reply to the Academic Registrar’s email with the relevant information, and you will be informed of the process to escalate your complaint.

 Other avenues

If your complaint is unresolved, other avenues for resolving complaints you may find helpful are listed below. They will have expected that you have exhausted our complaints / appeals processes and the Te Pūkenga Appeals processes in the first instance before they will investigate.

  • Study Complaints
  • NZQA
  • the Disputes Tribunal
  • the Human Rights Commission
  • the Office of the Ombudsman.


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