Pasifika success

Pasifika success

We believe that success is defined by you, our learners.

Success can be found in deciding to study, enrolling, starting your first course, submitting your first assignment, or finishing your first course. It’s not just in getting your certification and walking across a stage.

But when you do graduate, we, along with your whānau and friends, will celebrate with you and acknowledge the journey you have taken and the support you have had along the way.


Lalupe Lolesi

"I stand up here with you beside me"

These were the words shared by the our learner guest Speaker Lalupe Lolesi at the Auckland graduation ceremony, where she emphasised the important role her friends and family played in supporting her through tough times.

Be inspired by her graduation speech, where she talks about her journey of studying while juggling numerous responsibilities and facing overwhelming  barriers, yet through the support of her lecturer and family was able to achieve her goal to graduate with her Bachelor of Early Childhood Education degree.


Although you study by distance (and from your own part of the world), those graduating with a diploma or degree can choose to attend a graduation ceremony held in Wellington, Auckland and Christchurch.

More information on Graduation


Celebrate your success along the way

No matter the qualification you decide to work towards, we encourage you to have stepping stones to celebrate and help you achieve your goals. You could try setting SMART goals. SMART is a way of thinking about setting goals and the steps you’ll take to achieve them. It stands for:

  • Specific
  • Measurable
  • Achievable
  • Realistic
  • Timely.

Learn more about SMART goals

Every goal and step should be met with a way of acknowledging your successes:

  • Have a coffee with a friend after you submit your first assignment.
  • Enjoy a celebratory meal at the end of your course.
  • Share what you have enjoyed and learnt about your course with someone close.

We know that having a support network as a Pasifika student can make all the difference to helping you keep on track and see you over the finish line. So celebrating your successes with your friends and whānau who support your journey will acknowledge their role in your success.

E vave taunu’u le malaga pe a tatou alo va’a fa’atasi – Our destiny is within sight when we paddle our canoe together

Samoan Proverb


Meet some of our Pasifika graduates


Perseverance through study leads to career growth

Eileen Sione, Bachelor of Library and Informa

"My completion of a Library and Information Studies degree through the Open Polytechnic has provided the ability to gain a dream job."

Learn more


Education increases mana

Ariano Tovio, New Zealand Certificate in Adult and Tertiary Teaching (Level 5) graduate

“I'm really over the moon that I've completed this certificate. It gives me a bit of mana.”

Learn more


Motivated to help Pasifika community

Tai Daniel-Teuhema, Bachelor of Business (Management) graduate

“Being part of these charitable organisations, on top of working full-time, and organising a very large extended family, made distance learning the best option for me."

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Start small, dream big

Kilisi Palu, New Zealand Diploma in Early Childhood Education and Care (Level 5) graduate

“Start with what you’re capable of then see how that works for you. You can build on it one step at a time. It depends on your circumstances but I truly believe if you start small and dream big it will happen.”

Learn more



Find more Pasifika graduate stories