Studying by distance learning

Te ako i tawhiti

Studying by distance learning

Te ako i tawhiti
Watch how our distance learning difference worked for Georgia

Online distance learning will give you the flexibility to study where and when you want to, and how many courses you do at a time. 

You can plan your study workload to suit your life and develop a study routine that works for you. So you can fit study in around your work, whānau and your community commitments. Find out how studying online with us works. 


How our courses are delivered

Studying by distance might be different to any study you have done before, but some things will be the same.

Like face-to-face study, our courses have start and end dates and work to get through in between. But you won't attend classes (although some courses may have practicums, noho marae or exams), instead you’ll work independently through the course materials each week and do assessments by the due dates.

This means you decide where and when you study.  All you need is access to a computer, internet and the time to study.

Our programmes are designed exclusively for distance learning, and our Course Facilitators, Student Mentors and other kaimahi (staff) are experts at teaching and working by distance learning. It’s what they do. They will be with you every step of the way to encourage and guide you through the work to ensure you understand the course content, and help you to succeed.


Online study

For most of our courses your study will be completely online using iQualify, our online learning platform. Your online courses will include a mix of reading, video and interactive activities and quizzes to work through. 

There are no online classes. 

Watch the video below to learn more about how you will study online.  


For online learning you need:

  • Regular access to a laptop or desktop computer
  • Reliable broadband internet and a data plan so you can access the course, watch videos and download content. 

Online/print and print only

Some of our courses are a combination of online and printed materials. This means we send you printed materials that are supported by online content.

We also offer a small number of paper-based courses, where you will receive printed course materials and readings and post back your assessments.

Like online learning, you will work independently to work through the course materials and do assessments by the due dates. 

Contact classes

For some courses you may need to attend some contact classes, noho marae, workshops or exams, which are in person.

You can check this on the course information page of this website before you enrol. 

Support at every step of your study journey

While distance learning means you work on your own, you're not alone. We have a range of support to help you every step of the way.  

Find out more about how we’ll support your study journey

Entering into study and embarking on a new career is nerve wracking. That’s how you know it is important to you. We have all been there and are here to support you every step of the way.

Shannon Neary - Lecturer, Early Childhood Education


Download our latest prospectus

At Open Polytechnic we specialise in flexible, distance and online learning that is designed to help you fit study around your work and life commitments.

For more information about what we offer when you study with us, and what you can study, download our prospectus  (PDF 3MB)

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