
Find information on when you will receive your results, how you can see your results, grading scales and reconsiderations.


Assessment results

The results for individual assessments in a course are released when marking has been completed.

You can see the result on your returned marking sheet or on your MyOP Learner Portal. These results are provisional as they may be subject to change when the course results are finalised. Further information on Assessments can be found here:

Assessments | Everything you need to know

Course results

Course results are released after they have been approved by the Results and Awards Committee.

Courses with exams and other assessments where results are not finalised until the end of the enrolment period will have their results approved and released within four to five weeks of the course end date. Otherwise, learners who complete all assessments will have their final results approved and released monthly.

The time between the completion of your last assessment and the release of results is required to undertake quality assurance checks of result data and ensure the integrity and robustness of the assessment process.

Course grades

Your level of achievement in each course will be recognised with a course grade. 

For information about our grading scales:

Grading Scales

To access your final results

We will send you an email to let you know when your final results have been released. The email we send will direct you to your final course results on your MyOP Learner Portal.

You can find details on how to login to MyOP below:

How to login to MyOP

Reconsideration of assessment or final course grade

A reconsideration is when your in-course summative assessment(s) and/or final exam is re-marked  by a different marker. The outcome of a reconsideration application might result in either no change or an increase of the grade or mark.

Course assessments relating to previous course offerings or trimesters cannot be reconsidered.

If you would like an assessment mark or final grade to be reconsidered:

  1. Within five days of receiving your result, you can contact your Course Leader for feedback on the assessment.
    Apply for reconsideration and pay the fees within ten working days of receiving the official release of your assessment mark or grade result.
  2. If your assessment was not submitted online, you need to submit the marked assessment with your application for reconsideration.

Reconsideration costs

  • Reconsideration of individual assessment or final examination paper - NZ$75.
  • Reconsideration of marks of two or more components of a course - NZ$120.

Information and the application form with fee payment is found here:

If you need proof of your course completion

You can request an Academic Transcript on your My Open Polytechnic Learner Portal.

More information about transcripts:

Get your academic transcript

Ready to Graduate?

If you are completing the final course for your qualification, apply to graduate now. Information on how to apply is on our graduation page:

How to apply to graduate


We're here to help

If you have any questions about your final results or need help, please call us on free phone 0508 650 200 or email


Related information


Grading scales

Reconsiderations, resits and the return of exam papers

Graduation information