Coronavirus Update

Coronavirus (COVID-19) Update

Updated 20 September 9.00am

The following page is intended to keep Open Polytechnic staff and learners updated on what you need to know about COVID-19 as we respond to changing situation.

Open Polytechnic is open and our services are available

The majority of Open Polytechnic courses are delivered and supported online, so you’ll be able to enrol in our wide variety of courses and continue with your studies for the majority of our courses during any changes caused by the COVID-19 pandemic.

If you have practical elements in your course, which due to COVID-19 need to be deferred until later in your study,  contact us and we will work through this with you.


Government mandate on COVID-19 vaccination for some sectors

(updated 27 April 2022)

The COVID-19 Public Health Response (Vaccinations) Order 2021 (the Order) was introduced in October 2021 and covers sectors* identified by the Government that have mandatory COVID-19 vaccination requirements in place from 1 January 2022.

As at 5 April, 2022, the health workforce, and those seeking to work within those sectors on placement, are affected by the vaccination mandate.

For many Open Polytechnic learners that are enrolled in programmes in the health and disability subject areas, your programme of study requires that you complete certain clinical placements. With the introduction of the Order, there is no certainty that clinical or education placements can be secured for learners who are not vaccinated, or do not wish to share their vaccination status. 

Please note, at this time, Open Polytechnic are asking social work and health and wellbeing learners enrolled in practicum courses to share their vaccination status with us (as your education provider) to meet the requirements of our placement providers. For all other learners, at this time, you do not have to share your vaccination status with Open Polytechnic. However, if you are enrolled in an affected programme of study and are required to complete a clinical placement we expect that, under the requirements of the Order you will be required to declare your vaccination status to the organisation offering the placement. If you are not vaccinated, or you choose not to declare your vaccination status, your access to placements in workplaces covered by the Order is unlikely. Being unable to undertake all the educational requirements of your programme of study, including workplace-based placements, can mean that the completion of your programme is at risk.

Click on the link below to see the Government’s information on vaccinations for affected sectors:

If you need more information or assistance regarding how your studies may be impacted by the Government’s mandatory vaccination order for affected sectors, please contact us.

*As of 5 April, 2022, the education sector is no longer covered under the vaccination mandate. However, individual schools/early childhood education centres may still have vaccination requirements in place that Open Polytechnic learners, academic staff and adjunct staff may need to adhere to.

Need to defer or extend your studies?

Open Polytechnic recognises that the COVID-19 pandemic may affect learners in many different ways. We’re here to help. If you need an assignment extension you can apply for this by logging into your My Open Polytechnic account and applying for up to two weeks using our automated assessment extension service. 

If you need to defer or extend your studies for longer than two weeks for any reason please apply for special consideration, and we will work through the options for how we can support you to complete your studies or defer them to another time. 


Need help, or want to enrol? Contact us

All of our staff are working, and you can continue to contact us as you normally would.

If you are already enrolled in a course and need academic support or mentoring services, you can contact our staff using the details provided in your learning materials.

If you want to enrol for the first time, re-enrol, or have any questions you need help with, we’re ready to help.

Contact us


Submitting verified documents 

(updated 9:00am 20 September 2022)

If there is an issue in your region which means you are not able to get your documents verified, contact our verifications team on the below email address and we will work through this with you. 



Your personal health and wellbeing

For information on managing your health, prevention and symptoms of COVID-19, follow the advice of the Ministry of Health. 

Ministry of Health

If you are feeling unwell, and have developed symptoms of fever, cough or shortness of breath, seek medical advice by first phoning Healthline’s dedicated COVID-19 number 0800 358 5453 or contact your GP (phone ahead of your visit). The Ministry of Health website provides information on public health contacts.

Mental health support for learners

(added 3pm 30 August 2021)