Bachelor of Engineering Technology (Civil Engineering)


Closed to new enrolments

If you have an aptitude for mathematics and science, and want to work as a technologist with professional engineers, our Bachelor of Engineering Technology, with a major in Civil Engineering, is for you.

    $19,224 NZ Domestic

    Not including any course materials or external exam fees.

    Student loan

Closed to new students

In 2022 Open Polytechnic introduced OP700601 Bachelor of Engineering Technology (Civil Engineering), which is a New Zealand-based degree programme currently offered by a number of Te Pūkenga business divisions.

As a result we closed OP700502 Bachelor of Engineering Technology (Civil Engineering) to new learners after June, 2021.

OP700601 Bachelor of Engineering Technology (Civil Engineering) is now open to enrolments,  learn more

Current students

If you were already enrolled in OP700502 Bachelor of Engineering Technology (Civil Engineering) on, or before June, 2021, see the information below on how you should plan your study to complete your degree.

Planning to complete your study in 2023?

To be awarded OP700502 Bachelor of Engineering Technology (Civil Engineering), you must complete all of the courses including practice units and academic requirements of this programme by the end of the October block, 2023.

Completing your study after 2023?
If you are planning to complete your study after 2023 then you will need to transition into OP700601 Bachelor of Engineering Technology (Civil Engineering) from the October block, 2023.

The credit for the courses you have already passed will be able to be recognised as credit towards this programme.

A schedule for recognition through cross-crediting of courses is available here:

Schedule for recognition of courses

Please note the following information for transferring from OP700502 into OP700601:

1. Credit Recognition:

  • You will receive an equivalent number of credits for the courses you have completed. However, you will still need to complete the remaining credits required to reach a total of 360 credits to be awarded the degree. Additionally, you must fulfil all other programme requirements.
  • The recognition of credits will be based on the schedule for recognition of courses

2. Available Courses for OP700601:

The courses currently available can be found at: OP700601 Bachelor of Engineering Technology.

  • If a course you have credits for, based on the schedule for recognition of courses is not listed in our OP700601 course offerings (for example, MG6007, MG6008, MG6013, MG6046, MG7007), you will still receive credit as per the schedule.
  • Please note that to complete the programme, you must earn credits for all the compulsory courses listed in the OP700601 Bachelor of Engineering Technology (Civil Engineering) This can be achieved through cross-crediting or by enrolling and completing the required courses.

 If you have any questions please contact us.


Civil engineering technologists work on the design, construction and maintenance of:

  • roads and bridges
  • building structures
  • water and waste-water plants
  • environmental protection works.

This qualification will give you a core of basic analytical and communication skills that common to all branches of engineering. It will also give you a base for any future in-depth study in Civil Engineering.

To offer this Bachelor of Engineering Technology (Civil Engineering) by distance learning, we use course content under a licence agreement with the University of Southern Queensland (Australia).

While you are studying towards this qualification, or after you graduate, you can gain admission to the Engineering New Zealand, the professional body for engineers in New Zealand.

Anita Jackson Student Story Slice


Career opportunities

With this qualification you can work in a range of areas, including:

  • with a local authority
  • working in a consulting engineer’s practice 
  • working for a civil engineering contractor.

What you will learn

Bachelor of Engineering Technology graduates will be able to:

  • understand and apply knowledge of engineering fundamentals
  • understand and apply knowledge of the basic sciences, including computing and mathematics relevant to this subject
  • use a systems approach to understand and improve engineering outcomes
  • develop engineering designs
  • adapt, apply and implement technologies relevant to this field
  • schedule, manage and complete engineering projects
  • communicate effectively with members of the engineering team and other professionals and individuals
  • make sound decisions based on open-mindedness, objectivity and reasoned analysis
  • work well in multi-disciplinary and multi-cultural teams
  • have the capacity to be a leader or manager 
  • apply problem-solving techniques, including problem identification, formulation and solution, initiative, innovation and creativity
  • investigate and report on situations or the behaviour of a system, using standard techniques
  • manage work, under time and resource constraints
  • adapt to changing circumstances and master new knowledge, technologies, and techniques.
  • gather and use information from the range of relevant sources
  • understand and operate effectively within the cultural environments in which engineering technologists practice in local, national and global contexts
  • practise in a professional manner informed by a knowledge and acceptance of the economic, ethical, legal, professional and workplace responsibilities of an engineering technologist
  • understand and accept the social, cultural and environmental responsibilities of an engineering technologist.

Practice units and residential programmes

The practice units are to enable you to gain specific competencies associated with your major. These competencies range from specific practical and communication skills through to generic competencies. Generic competencies include:

  • ethical and social responsibility
  • awareness of the environment
  • teamwork.

A practice unit usually includes a one-week residential school at the Toowoomba Campus of the University of Southern Queensland.

All costs associated with practice units will be at your expense.

After you enrol in a practice unit, you will get an information pack from USQ. 

Full or part-time study

You can study this qualification full or part time. Part-time study is one or two courses per block.

If you wish to study full-time you must have seek approval from the Programme Leader of the degree.


    $19,224 NZ Domestic

    Not including any course materials or external exam fees.

    Student loan