Critical Practice: Practicum II


The second practicum (of 60 days/480 hours) will enable you to emerge as a confident, capable social work professional.

The practicum prepares you for provisional registration with the Social Worker Registration Board, against the SWRB competencies.

You will make consistent use of skills in communication, engagement, assessment, intervention and evaluation to promote positive outcomes for service users. During the practicum you will use reflection and practice supervision to articulate and critically reflect on your use of practice theory, evidence, and knowledge for practice. You will organise and manage practice accountably working within relevant organisational protocols, and propose ways for the agency to improve service delivery.

You will be able to critically assess the ability of the practice agency to promote the cultural safety of service users and colleagues, and work in partnership with Māori in culturally appropriate and inclusive ways. You are required to complete 6 days face-to-face workshops. 

This course requires you to attend a workshop or noho marae in the Wellington region.

Use this link to find the upcoming dates and requirements for your course. Please note these can be subject to change.

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Students who successfully complete this course will be able to

  • Use professional skills in communication, engagement, assessment, intervention and evaluation to promote positive outcomes for individuals/groups/communities taking into account the individual, social and cultural differences of service users.
  • Write professional reports and maintain accurate records assuring service user confidentiality and privacy and making referrals to other agencies as appropriate. 
  • Articulate evidence-based and ethically defensible plans to inform professional judgements and promote positive outcomes for individuals/groups/communities.
  • Manage practice safely and accountably working within relevant organisational protocols and proposing ways to improve safe and accountable practice.
  • Actively promote the kawa whakaruruhau (cultural safety) of service users and colleagues, apply principles of bicultural social work practice, and challenge prejudice and discrimination.
  • Adhere to the SWRB code of conduct and the code of ethics of the Aotearoa New Zealand Association of Social Workers.
  • Make positive use of professional supervision to reflect on practice, discuss ethical issues, and develop critical awareness of own abilities and level of professional competence.
  • Make plans for continuing professional development.
  • Critically evaluate the social work practice theory, models and approaches used to inform own social work practice with individuals, groups or communities.
  • Critically assess the policy and legislative framework underpinning practice situations and identify ways to promote socially just outcomes.
  • Critically appraise research including ethical and cultural considerations.


This course is 100% internally assessed

Computer and internet requirements

To complete this course you will need access to a laptop or desktop computer, reliable broadband internet connection and a data plan able to support online learning such as streaming of videos (including YouTube), downloading content, and writing and submitting online assessments. If you are unsure if your current computer or internet access allows you to complete your online learning with us, please contact us before applying to enrol.

How to enrol

Before enrolling in this course you need to:

  • choose the qualification you will study the course under
  • check the order that courses in the qualification should be studied in the Qualification Structure table. This is in the Choose courses and apply tab on the qualification page.

Work towards

You can do this course as part of these qualifications:

Bachelor's Degree

Course availability over the next 12 months
