Graduate Certificate in Sustainable Management


You can make a difference to the world with an Open Polytechnic Graduate Certificate in Sustainable Management.

    $2,379 NZ Domestic

    Not including any course materials or external exam fees.

    Student loan

This Graduate Certificate is for people with an existing degree or five years’ or more experience in the environmental field.  If you have successfully completed the Bachelor of Applied Science (Environment major) with Open Polytechnic, or obtained a similar qualification from another tertiary provider you are unable to enrol in this programme.  You should discuss your eligibility to enrol in this programme with the Programme Leader.

This qualification will prepare you for a career as a:

  • policy analyst
  • resource manager
  • environmental educator.

You will be able to work in areas such as central or local government, public interest groups or private sector organisations. 

What you will learn

This qualification will give you practical skills in environmental law and management. You will also gain:

  • an industry overview of the legislative and regulatory environments that govern development activities
  • an overview of key management tools available to deal with a variety of environmental issues of significance in New Zealand
  • practical skills in environmental law and management
  • how to analyse environmental issues
  • how environmental management assists with sustainability.

Study pathways

This qualification is a stepping stone to the Graduate Diploma in Sustainable Management. Which includes a research project in an environmental area of your interest.

Recognition of prior learning

RPL is how we recognise self-learning and the experience you have gained in the workplace. If you have relevant work experience that you think will exempt you from having to do some parts of this qualification you can apply for RPL.

You will need to provide evidence that you have already met the learning outcomes of the course you want to be exempted from. The evidence could be testimonials or references from appropriately experienced referees.

You can apply for RPL after you have enrolled.

To be awarded the qualification, the programme must be completed in no more than 4 years of first enrolment, unless there are exceptional circumstances.

    $2,379 NZ Domestic

    Not including any course materials or external exam fees.

    Student loan