Bachelor of Engineering Technology (Electrical and Electronic Engineering)


Closed to new enrolments

The Bachelor of Engineering Technology with a major in Electrical and Electronic Engineering is for people who would like to work as a technologist in a specialist area such as electrical power engineering, telecommunications engineering, electronics or industrial measurement and control.

Closed to new students

This programme is closed to new students. Check our Engineering subject page to see what other programmes we offer:


Current students

If you were already enrolled in this qualification up to and including courses starting in October 2015 (which is when the qualification was closed to enrolments from students new to the programme), you can continue to enrol in your next courses as normal from the ‘Choose courses’ tab. 

To be awarded OP700504 Bachelor of Engineering Technology (Electrical and Electronic Engineering) you must complete all of the courses including practice units and academic requirements of this qualification by the end of the November block, 2023.

If you need advice about completing this degree, or help with a study plan, please contact us


About this qualification

A technologist’s work includes design, installation, control, operation and maintenance of power systems, telecommunication networks, process industries and manufacturing industrial plants.

Our Bachelor of Engineering Technology will give you a core of basic analytical and communication skills common to all branches of engineering. You will then undertake in-depth study in Electrical Engineering. You will also gain the knowledge and skills to be admitted as engineering technologists with the Institution of Professional Engineers in New Zealand.

To offer this qualification Open Polytechnic uses course materials under a licence agreement with the University of Southern Queensland (Australia).


What you will learn

When you complete this qualification you should be able to:

  • understand and apply knowledge of engineering fundamentals and the basic sciences, including computing and mathematics, relevant to their discipline
  • use a systems approach to understand and improve engineering outcomes
  • develop engineering designs
  • adapt, apply and implement technologies relevant to their field
  • schedule, manage and complete engineering projects
  • communicate effectively with members of the engineering team, allied professionals and the community at large
  • make sound decisions based on open-mindedness, objectivity and reasoned analysis
  • work in a multi-disciplinary team, with the capacity to be a leader or manager as well as an effective team member
  • apply problem-solving techniques including problem identification, formulation and solution, initiative, innovation and creativity
  • investigate and report on situations or the behaviour of a system, using standard techniques appropriate for their discipline
  • manage work efficiently and effectively under time and resource constraints
  • adapt to changing circumstances and master new knowledge, technologies, and techniques
  • gather and effectively use information from the range of sources relevant to their field
  • understand and operate effectively within the cultural environments in which engineering technologists practice in local, national and global contexts
  • practise in a professional manner informed by a knowledge and acceptance of the economic, ethical, legal, professional and workplace responsibilities of an engineering technologist
  • understand and accept the social, cultural and environmental responsibilities of an engineering technologist.

Practice units and residential programmes 

The practice units are to enable you to acquire specific competencies associated with your major study.  They range from specific practical and communication skills through to generic competencies including

  • ethical and social responsibility
  • awareness of the environment
  • teamwork.

Practice units contain activities that will enable you to acquire the practical, professional and generic competencies appropriate to your field of study.

After enrolling in a practice unit you will receive an information package from the University of South Queensland. This will cover all aspects of your Australian voyage.  A practice unit will normally consist of a one-week residential school, which will be held on the Toowoomba Campus of the University of Southern Queensland in Australia.

All costs associated with practice units will be at your expense.

Maximum Programme Completion Time

To be awarded the qualification, the programme must be completed in no more than 8 years of first enrolment, unless there are exceptional circumstances.