This page should answer any questions you have about the New Zealand Certificate in Foundation Skills Level 1 or Level 2
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New Zealand Certificate in Foundation Skills (Level 1) qualification page
New Zealand Certificate in Foundation Skills (Level 2) qualification page
Foundation: Course completions and examinations
Do I have to sit any examinations?
No you do not have any exams for this qualification.
How long will each course take to complete?
You have up to 10 weeks to complete each course but you can work at your own pace. Both Level 1 and Level 2 programmes are made up of four courses so you can work at the pace that suits you and fits in with your other commitments. You tutor will keep in regular contact with you along the way.
Foundation: Study support
How will I get help if I need it?
You will be assigned a tutor from Open Polytechnic who will make contact with you after you enrol. Your tutor will schedule regular contact sessions with you to support your learning.
Your Student Advisor is available to help answer your questions and our Library & Learning Centre can help you locate any additional resources you might need.
Foundation: Cross credits and course completions
Foundation: Compulsory literacy and numeracy assessment
What is the compulsory literary and numeracy assessment?
The compulsory literary and numeracy assessment is a tool to measure and improve the literacy and numeracy skills of adult learners in New Zealand. It was created by the Tertiary Education Commission (TEC).
If this is your first time studying a Level 1-3 course with Open Polytechnic, you will need to complete a compulsory literacy assessment at the start and end of your study time.
TEC require you to complete this assessment at the start and end of your course. You will receive an email from TEC with more information when your enrolment is confirmed.
When you have finished the assessment you can see a visual report with your results. There is no pass or fail for the assessment. Your tutor will use your results from the first assessment to find out what support you may need.
The Literacy and Numeracy assessment is not part of your study with Open Polytechnic. However, TEC requires that we ask you to complete this literacy and numeracy assessment.
Please contact us before you enrol if you do not wish to complete the assessment. If you would like more information, please contact us
Will I gain the compulsory literacy and numeracy credits at Level 1 if I complete this programme?
Yes, the compulsory unit standards are embedded in this course
Why do I need to complete a compulsory literacy and numeracy assessment?
The compulsory literacy and numeracy assessment is a mandatory requirement from the Tertiary Education Commission for all Level 1 to 2 qualifications.
If this your first time studying with Open Polytechnic, and you are studying a Level 1-2 course, you will need to complete a compulsory literacy and numeracy assessment at the start and again during your study time.
When your enrolment is received you will receive an email with your password and a link to the assessment. Your enrolment will be finalised once the assessment has been completed. A second assessment will be emailed to you before the end of your study time.
When you have finished the assessment you can see a visual report with your results.
There is no pass or fail for the assessment.
Is there a circumstance in which I won’t have to do a literacy and numeracy assessment?
Yes, you will not have to do the assessment if you have already reached Step 4 Literacy or Step 5 Numeracy.
Foundation: Age restrictions