New Zealand Certificate in Pharmacy (Introduction to Pharmacy Practice) (Level 3)


This programme is delivered fully online. Watch our video to see what online study with Open Polytechnic is like.

This is a core pharmacy qualification covering the skills and knowledge required by all staff in the pharmacy. It provides a pathway for trainee pharmacy technicians and pharmacy assistants to gain core skills for provision of safe, patient-centered healthcare under the supervision of a pharmacist.

    Student loan

    This programme can only be studied part-time.  It is not eligible for course-related costs, living costs or student allowances from StudyLink.

What you will learn

  • When you achieve this qualification you will be able to:
  • Work ethically and professionally as required by the pharmacy codes and standards
  • Interact with pharmacy team members and customers/patients to ensure the provision of culturally appropriate customer service
  • Apply legislation relevant to your workplace
  • Determine if it is safe and appropriate to provide pharmacy related products and services or advice to customers/patients, and know when to refer to a pharmacist
  • Carry out a range of support activities within the pharmacy
  • Provide first aid
  • Perform calculations using appropriate information technology tools for point of sale transactions and retail operations


Study Pathways

This is an introductory qualification and will allow graduates to progress into the following Open Polytechnic programme:

Maximum Programme Completion Time 

To be awarded the qualification, the programme must be completed in no more than 2 years of first enrolment, unless there are exceptional circumstances.

    Student loan

    This programme can only be studied part-time.  It is not eligible for course-related costs, living costs or student allowances from StudyLink.