This online course provides ākonga with opportunities to develop the professional knowledge, skills and dispositions required to work in early learning services, basing their practice on Our Code Our Standards
Cost$1,354 NZ Domestic
Delivery typeOnline only
Teaching weeks 16 weeks
Workload Approximately 19 hours per week
Prerequisites Check entry and other requirements under the qualification you are studying
The course focuses on the practical implications of equity, diversity and inclusion in early learning services. A major focus will be on supporting diversity and developing inclusive strategies and practices. Ākonga will develop skills in culturally responsive planning, assessment and pedagogy, working alongside whānau and communities to meet the diverse learning needs of tamariki.
Ākonga will become familiar with the local community and environment and understand how this affects the locally designed curriculum.
Over the course of their practicum, ākonga will take increasing initiative and responsibility in their role as Kaiako.
Ākonga who successfully complete this course will be able to:
- Demonstrate respect for Te Tiriti o Waitangi partnership and contribute to te reo Māori me ōna tikanga practices relevant to early learning services.
- Demonstrate professional behaviours that develop inclusive, respectful, ethical, and professional relationships with tamariki and their families, whānau and communities
- Collaboratively implement the daily programme including routines, transitions, experiences, policies, procedures and mandated requirements.
- Design and adapt learning experiences and programmes that are consistent with Te Whāriki and draw on the funds of knowledge and diverse cultural backgrounds of tamariki.
- Apply knowledge of teaching techniques to promote tamariki learning.
- Use reflection, evidence and inquiry to support or challenge own practice.
100% internal assessment and includes a practicum.
No textbooks are required for this course.
Computer and internet requirements
To complete this course you will need access to a laptop or desktop computer, reliable broadband internet connection and a data plan able to support online learning such as streaming of videos (including YouTube), downloading content, and writing and submitting online assessments. If you are unsure if your current computer or internet access allows you to complete your online learning with us, please contact us before applying to enrol.
Learn more about our online learning and study tools.
Work towards
You can do this course as part of these qualifications:
Graduate Diploma
Course availability over the next 12 months