Dr Sarah Snell

Role at Open Polytechnic

My role is Academic Specialist, Learning Design, Information Technology, Information Systems and Library

Relevant education

I have a Teachers Diploma in Information Technology, a Bachelor of Applied Information Systems, Postgraduate Diploma in Business and Administration (Management), a Master of Management and a Doctorate in Science Education.

Relevant work experience

I have worked in the tertiary education sector since 1994 in a variety of academic and management roles in the areas of Business and Information Technology.  

Research interests

My research interests include gender and ICT, professional practice and soft skill requirements and learning environments.  


Here are some of my latest research outputs:

Snell-Siddle, C., Snell, S., & Fisher, D.  (2017). Tools of the trade: can mobile technologies enhance the learning experience in a tertiary environment? MIER Journal of Educational Studies, Trends & Practices, 1, (7), 14-23.

Snell, S. & Snell-Siddle, C. (2017).  Mind the Gap:  IT skills shortage – could cadets make the jump?  Presented and in proceedings of the Computing and Information Technology Research and Education Conference 2017, Napier, NZ.

Snell, S., & Snell-Siddle, C. (2017). Connecting the dots:  Academia, industry, online.  Presented and in Proceedings of the New Zealand Association for Cooperative Education Conference 2017, Queenstown, NZ.

Steele, A., Snell, S., & Snell-Siddle, C. (2016). Diversity down under: regional challenges placing international students in industry. Presented at the New Zealand Association for Cooperative Education Conference 2016. Auckland, NZ.

Snell, S., Snell-Siddle, C.A. & Fisher, D. (2015).  Yes, we want to be mobile!:  differences in attitudes between gender and age of a mobile technology enhanced learning environment in a New Zealand tertiary institution.  In Proceedings of and presented at the 8th International Conference on Science, Mathematics and Technology Education, November 21-24, Jakarta, Indonesia. 

Snell-Siddle, C.A., Snell, S. & Fisher, D. (2015).  Tools of the trade: can mobile technologies enhance the learning experience in a tertiary environment?  In Proceedings of and presented at the 8th International Conference on Science, Mathematics and Technology Education, November 21-24, Jakarta, Indonesia.